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Rosemary Cunningham

Rosemary T. Cunningham

Hal and Julia T. Smith Chair of Free Enterprise

Phone: 404.471.6208
Office Location: Campbell 222

Academic Degrees

  • B.A., Fordham University
  • M.A., Fordham University
  • Ph.D., Fordham University

Teaching and Scholarly Interests

Professor Cunningham focuses her teaching and scholarly interests on international economics and investments and econometrics. Well-informed about stock markets and the Federal Reserve, she has been a leader in the teaching of economics and investments to women. She studies gender differences in investing as well as the ways in which women participate and have become a voice in the economics profession. Among her many publications, Cunningham wrote "Market segmentation: the Role of Race in Housing Markets" for the book Introducing Race and Gender Into Economics

Web Links

Economics Undergraduate Program
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