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Gundolf Grami

Gundolf Graml

Assoc. V.P. for Academic Affairs and Dean for Curriculum and Strategic Initiatives, Professor of German

Phone: 404.471.6220
Office Location: Buttrick 356

Academic Degrees

  • M.A., University of Salzburg
  • M.A., University of Minnesota
  • Ph.D., University of Minnesota

Teaching and Scholarly Interests

Professor Graml's interests include German and Austrian literature and culture, transnational studies, cultural studies, film/visual studies, cultural anthropology, and postcolonial studies.

Professional Activities

Member of International Research Collaborative Crossovers: African American and German Interactions

Recent Publications:

  • “Roaming Fantasies and Trapped Bodies: Tracing Identity Construction in Florian Flicker’s Suzie Washington (1998).” New Austrian Film. Ed. Robert Dassanowsky and Oliver Speck. New York: Berghahn, 2008.
  • “Black Bodies on White Snow: The Re-construction of Germanness as White in Luis Trenker’s The Prodigal Son (1934).” (Manuscript accepted by editors of anthology on American and European discourses of race; under review with Harvard UP.)
  • Rev. of “Nicht alle Weißen schießen:” Afrika-Repräsentationen im Österreich der 1950er Jahre im Kontext von (Post-)Kolonialismus und (Post-)Nationalsozialismus, by Vida Bakondy and Renée Winter. Modern Austrian Literature 42.1 (2009): 124-126.
  • “‘The Hills Are Alive…:’ Tourism and the Performative Construction of Places.” Women in German Yearbook 21 (2005): 192-215. (peer-reviewed)
  • “(Re)mapping the Nation: Sound of Music Tourism and Austrian National Identity, ca 2000 CE.” Tourist Studies 4.1 (2004): 137-59. (peer-reviewed)

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