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Wendy Kallina

Program Coordinator for Evaluation & Assessment Methods and Data Visualization, Visiting Assoc. Professor of Psychology

Phone: 404.471.5513
Office Location: Bullock Science Center 112E

Academic Degrees

  • BS Psychology, Georgia Southwestern State University
  • MS Social Administration, Georgia Southwestern State University
  • MSIS Information Systems, Oklahoma State University
  • PhD Human Development and Family Studies, Auburn University

Teaching and Scholarly Interests

My background is in the non-profit sector as both a manager and a researcher. These experiences formed the foundation of my interest in human development and, more specifically, the measurement of factors associated with change. My work in program evaluation has included measuring changes associated with improved family functioning, reduced alcohol abuse, and most recently, increased student success.

Evaluation results have to be communicated to be useful. My interests expanded to communication especially the visual presentation of data and its use in decision-making. In recent years, I have developed and presented workshops for multiple audiences at regional and national conferences. Workshops have focused on translating assessment principles into practice, data analysis, basic and advanced statistics, and communication and presentation of results.

Professional Activities

Book Chapter

  • Kallina, W. (2018). Communication and Dissemination of Data. In Powers, K. & Henderson, A. (Eds.) Cultivating a Data Culture in Higher Education. Abingdon: Routledge.


  • Kallina, W. (April, 2019) Invited keynote speaker for state conference, Georgia Association for Institutional Research, Planning, Assessment, and Quality (GAIRPAQ), Atlanta, GA.

National Professional Organization Webinar

  • Kallina, W. & Atchison, E. (2018). Basics of Forecasting. Webinar for Association for Institutional Research (AIR).

Panel Discussion - Georgia Complete College Team at National Complete College Meeting

  • Kallina, W., Todd, R., Denley, T., & Hornsby, K. (2017). Teams and Building Momentum. Panel discussion at Complete College America Summer Action Summit, Indianapolis, IN.

Workshops for various organizations

  • Atchison, E. & Kallina, W. (2018). Opportunities for Change: Using the Data Analysis Toolpak for Assessment. Workshop delivered at SACSCOC Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
  • Kallina, W., Mongold, D., & Atchison, E. (2017). Forecasting in Excel II. Workshop presented at the 2017 Association for Institutional Research (AIR) Forum, Washington, DC.
  • Kallina, W. & Hull, J. (2018). Momentum Year, Data, and Decisions. Workshop delivered at Interact USG Annual Conference, Athens, GA.
  • Kallina, W. (2016). Predictive Analytics: The Basics. Preconference Workshop presented at the 2016 AASCU Academic Affairs Summer Meeting, Denver, CO.
  • Kallina, W. (2014). Data Reduction and Analysis using SPSS. Workshop presented at the 41st Annual Southern Association for Institutional Research (SAIR) Conference, Destin, FL.


  • Kallina, W. (2017). Creating Data Literacy in Student Success Metrics. Presentation SCUP Southern Regional Conference, New Orleans, LA.
  • Hutt, C. & Kallina, W. (2017). Leveraging Technology to Standardize Advising at a Large Decentralized University. Presentation at NACADA Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO.
  • Kallina, W. (2017). Do you “C” what I “C”? Presentation at AASCU Academic Affairs Summer Meeting, Baltimore,MD.
  • Kallina, W. & Hutt, C. (2016). Creating a Culture of Analytics: Identifying advocates, overcoming objectives, and avoiding technology fatigue during a high-stakes rollout at a large, decentralized university. Session presented at the 2016 Southeast Educational Data Symposium, Atlanta, GA.

Association for Institutional Research (AIR)
2017-2020 Board Member, 2019 Treasurer
2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 Forum Presenter

Southern Association for Institutional Research (SAIR)
2017-2019 Board Member
2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017 Conference Presenter

Georgia Association for Institutional Research, Planning, Assessment & Quality (GAIRPAQ)
2019 Keynote Annual Conference
2013-14 President

Society for College and University Planning
2014 Planning Institute Graduate
National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Data Institute (2017)

NACADA, 2016
Administrator’s Institute
Assessment Institute
Analytics Seminar

Berkeley Women’s Executive Leadership Program (2014)

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